For Solicitors

PLEASE SEND INSTRUCTIONS BY EMAIL. It is fine to send the email directly to me. I always carry out a site visit (anywhere in England or Wales) before writing an Opinion and it is easier if the logistics of a site visit are arranged directly with me. When I receive your email I will acknowledge receipt and provide a fixed-fee quote. If the matter is of some urgency and an acknowledgement of receipt from me is not received fairly immediately you can contact my clerk to check my status.

Traditionally the Instructions to Counsel in paper form started with a formal heading for the case, followed by a numbered list of the documents accompanying it, and ended with a backsheet the purpose of which was to act like the cover of a book when the document was folded and tied with pink ribbon. When sending instructions by email, the Instructions to Counsel can be sent in this traditional format as a PDF attachment (no backsheet necessary) but it is equally acceptable if, instead, the email message itself is the Instructions to Counsel. The format of the Instructions to Counsel is not of primary importance as long as it:

If the Instructions are a brief to represent the client at a hearing they will be accompanied by an eBundle. Since judicial guidance was given in Re: TPS Investments (UK) Ltd [2020] EWHC 1135 (Ch)  that "if counsel is to be briefed... then they should be retained in sufficient time to enable them to advise as to the contents of the electronic bundle" I am increasingly being asked to advise on the contents of the eBundle. The eBundle in its final form will, of course, consist of a large single PDF containing the documents for the hearing  in order, bookmarked, hyperlinked, and indexed in accordance with the directions given by the tribunal,..

but, if I am being asked to advise in advance on the contents of the eBundle, the documents in the case should be sent, not in a large multi-document bookmarked PDF, but rather as individual documents attached to the emailed instructions so that I can then arrange them in the most useful way for the task in hand. If you have documents stored in a system - such as Bundledocs - designed to produce an eBundle there is usually an option to produce a ZIP file of individual documents instead which you can then send as an email attachment.  

if Instructions are being sent at an earlier stage for advice or drafting, please also send the documents as individual files as detailed above. If there is as yet no litigation (or there is litigation but the disclosure of documents stage of litigation has not yet been reached) so that disclosure list numbers have not yet been assigned to documents then if there are more than 10 documents attached it is helpful if they are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. in some logical order.

NOTE RE ANY PREVIOUS DIRECT ACCESS WORK. I carry out direct access work and, for administrative convenience and in order to save costs, I never accept paper copies of documents from the client but rather ask the client to send them as computer files (PDFs for scanned documents,  original JPGs in the case of photos). When I provide a written Opinion to a direct access client I always send with the Opinion a ZIP file containing the documents which I considered when writing the Opinion. The PDFs in the ZIP file will generally be good quality scans of original documents held by the client (because I ask the client to re-scan if they are not). But I sometimes find that when, subsequently, the client instructs solicitors, the Instructions I receive in due course from the solicitors are accompanied by poorer quality copies of documents I have already seen good quality copies of - including sometimes black and white copies of coloured documents - perhaps because the client has taken photocopies of their documents to an interview with the solicitors which are subsequently scanned in at the solicitors' office. I can't simply ignore all the copies of documents provided with Instructions, and just refer to the copies in the previous ZIP file, because the set of document copies provided with the Instructions is unlikely to be exactly the same as the set of documents in the ZIP file - the set of documents from solicitors may include some extra documents not previously in the ZIP file, and possibly some documents previously in the ZIP file may not be being provided again with the Instructions because they are now judged not to be relevant in the light of developments. So it is a problem. In order to avoid this problem when sending Instructions on behalf of a client I have previously carried out direct access work for please ask the client for the ZIP file containing good quality scans of documents which I will have sent to them with my previous Opinion. This will mean that you only need to send me new scans for any extra documents. It if fine to send Instructions attaching just the new documents with a note identifying the previous ZIP file e.g. Counsel already has the documents in the ZIP file accompanying Counsel's previous Opinion dated 5 February 2024 and further documents are attached to this email or, depending on your office procedures, you may prefer to include document copies from the ZIP file within the set of documents which accompany your Instructions. Either way it should mean that we are working from the best available copies of documents. 

TELEPHONE AND VIDEO CONFERENCING. I believe it is important to have an initial conference face to face and, as I always make a site visit, a conference can take place at the same time. I prefer any subsequent conferences to also be face to face unless the logistics make a video conference necessary. A video conference is always preferable to an audio-only telephone conference. With regard to hearings I prefer in-person hearings but, of course, will accept instructions to appear at video hearings if the tribunal has determined that the hearing is to be remote.   

This page was lasted updated in January 2025          Disclaimer