Obtaining Historical Maps

Historical Ordnance Survey maps - Groundsure

One of the easiest ways to obtain a set of old Ordnance Survey maps of a location is to use the Map Insight option at www.groundsure.com

Historical Ordnance Survey maps - legal deposit libraries 

Historical OS maps produced during the last 20 years or so are not commercially available - so not available from Groundsure - but print copies can be obtained, for use in legal proceedings, from legal deposit libraries such as the Bodleian Library in Oxford, Cambridge University library, the British Library in London, the National Library of Wales is Aberystwyth, and the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh. All these libraries have maps for all of England and Wales. 

Other sources for Ordnance Survey maps

Other sources of information about historical OS maps include the Charles Close Society - www.charlesclosesociety.org 

Other maps held by County Record Offices

County Record Offices hold copies of other historical maps including Tithe Maps made in the mid Nineteenth Century, Turnpike Maps and Enclosure Maps.


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